Interpersonal Skills: The Key to Building Strong Relationships

May 5, 2023


Written by UJJI Team


In today's fast-paced business world, interpersonal skills have become more important than ever. To succeed in the UK's competitive business landscape, professionals at all levels must communicate, build trust, and resolve conflicts. Whether you're a C-level executive, an HR professional, a founder, or a startup owner, developing strong interpersonal skills is essential. It helps in building successful relationships inside and outside your organization.

Interpersonal skills are the cornerstone of any successful business. And they're becoming important in the UK. Did you know a survey conducted for MBA showed that 81% of recruiters believe that interpersonal skills are very important for job candidates? In fact, they consider these skills more important than any other type of skill.

In this article, we'll delve into interpersonal skills, exploring what they are, why they're essential, and how you can develop them. We'll provide practical tips for improving your interpersonal skills. So, let's get started!

Interpersonal skills definition

Interpersonal skills refer to the set of abilities that allow individuals to communicate and build favourable relationships with others. They include verbal and nonverbal communication, active listening, conflict resolution, empathy, and emotional intelligence. In other words, they refer to the abilities that enable us to establish profound connections with people.

Importance of interpersonal skills in various fields

Interpersonal skills are crucial in various industries. It plays an important role in healthcare, education, business and finance. In healthcare, good communication skills can improve patient outcomes and increase patient satisfaction. Effective communication between teachers and students can lead to better academic performance. In business, strong interpersonal skills can help build relationships with clients, negotiate deals, and lead teams to success.

Interpersonal Skills in the Workplace

Now let's talk about how interpersonal skills can impact the workplace. There are several essential skills that fall under the set of interpersonal skills. We'll take a look at them one by one.

Communication skills:

Effective communication is critical to success in any workplace. Good communication skills allow us to express our ideas, listen to others, and provide feedback. It helps us to avoid misunderstandings, build trust, and collaborate. Strong communication skills can also help to foster a positive work environment and reduce stress levels.

Collaboration skills:

Collaboration skills are essential in any workplace where teamwork is required. The ability to work well with others, share ideas, and contribute to the team's success is vital. Collaboration skills involve being open-minded, flexible, and respectful of others' opinions. It also consists of the ability to compromise and negotiate to find common ground.

Leadership skills:

Strong leadership skills are essential for management or leadership positions. Leadership skills involve motivating and inspiring others. It also works on setting goals, providing feedback, and making difficult decisions. Influential leaders also have excellent communication skills and can build strong team relationships.

Conflict resolution skills:

Conflict is inevitable in any workplace, and resolving conflicts is essential. Conflict resolution skills involve identifying the root cause of a dispute, listening to all parties involved, and finding a mutually acceptable solution. Strong conflict resolution skills can help to maintain a positive work environment. It also prevents minor conflicts from escalating into more significant problems.

Customer service skills:

In today's customer-centric business environment, customer service skills are more critical than ever. Customer service skills involve communicating with customers, understanding their needs, and providing excellent service. It also consists of handling difficult situations with tact and professionalism.

Interpersonal Skills in Relationships

Listening Skills: The Art of Active Listening

Active listening involves hearing the words and paying attention to nonverbal cues and body language. In the business context, active listening can help build trust and improve team dynamics. It also fosters a culture of open communication.

Empathy and Emotional Intelligence: Putting Yourself in Someone Else's Shoes

Empathy means being able to understand and feel what other people are feeling. Emotional intelligence is about knowing and controlling your own emotions. It also includes understanding and managing the emotions of other people.

These skills are critical in business, where understanding and responding to the concerns of others is crucial. It builds stronger relationships and improves team performance.

Assertiveness and Boundary-Setting: Standing Up for Yourself and Others

Being assertive means, you can express what you want and think in a clear and confident way without being mean to other people's feelings. Boundary-setting involves setting clear limits for what is and isn't acceptable behaviour. These skills can help prevent conflicts and misunderstandings. In return, it promotes healthy and respectful workplace relationships.

Trust-Building and Rapport-Building: Creating Strong Connections

Building trust requires consistent communication, honesty, and reliability. Rapport-building involves creating a sense of connection and shared understanding with others. Developing strong relationships based on trust and rapport can lead to better collaboration. Not only that, but it also improves morale and productivity.

Conflict Management and Resolution: Navigating Difficult Conversations

Effective conflict management involves identifying the root causes of the conflict, communicating, and working towards a beneficial solution. Developing strong conflict resolution skills can help cut disruptions and maintain positive relationships. To top it off, it promotes a culture of openness and collaboration too.

Interpersonal Skills in Personal Growth

A recent survey of MBA, recruiters found that more than half of them (57%) believe that interpersonal skills will become important in the next five years. When it comes to personal growth, interpersonal skills play a crucial role. Here are some ways in which these skills can help you:

Self-awareness and self-reflection:

Interpersonal skills involve understanding your and others' emotions, thoughts, and behaviours. By practising self-awareness and self-reflection, you can better understand yourself and your motivations.

Self-esteem and self-confidence:

Interpersonal skills make you better at communicating and building relationships with others. This results in boosting your self-esteem and self-confidence.

Self-care and stress management:

Developing interpersonal skills can help you manage stress. You become more effective at setting boundaries and communicating your needs to others.

Resilience and adaptability:

Interpersonal skills also involve adapting to new situations and bouncing back from setbacks. By developing these skills, you can become more resilient in handling challenges.

Mindfulness and meditation:

Finally, interpersonal skills can help you cultivate mindfulness and meditation practices. This will improve your well-being and reduce stress and anxiety.

How to Develop Interpersonal Skills

Assessing your current skillset

The first step in developing your interpersonal skills is assessing your current skill set. Reflect on your strengths and weaknesses and identify areas that need improvement. You can use self-assessment tools and personality tests. Or you can even seek feedback from colleagues or a professional coach.

Practising active listening and effective communication

Active listening involves engaging with the speaker and seeking to understand their message. Effective communication requires clarity, empathy, and attention to the listener's needs. Practice these skills by engaging in open-ended conversations, asking questions, and being receptive to feedback.

Seeking feedback and constructive criticism

Feedback and constructive criticism are essential for personal and professional growth. Encourage your colleagues and employees to provide honest feedback and take their suggestions. Use feedback to identify areas of improvement and set goals for personal development.

Building emotional intelligence and empathy

Emotional intelligence means being able to understand and control your own feelings. It also teaches you to understand and manage the feelings of other people. Empathy involves understanding and experiencing other people's feelings. You can build emotional intelligence by practising self-awareness, active listening, and empathy exercises.

Engaging in conflict resolution and relationship-building exercises

Conflict resolution and relationship-building exercises can help you develop problem-solving skills, build trust, and strengthen relationships. You can practice conflict resolution techniques, such as active listening, compromise, and negotiation. Take part in social activities that foster collaboration and build rapport among colleagues.


Our connections with other people are important. They can affect how well we do in our personal and work lives. They are like the building blocks of all our relationships. Developing and honing interpersonal skills can create a positive work environment. It can build strong relationships and achieve your business goals. So, invest in interpersonal skills training, and watch your business thrive!

Improve your interpersonal skills with UJJI. It is a cutting-edge platform to help you enhance your communication, emotional intelligence, and conflict-resolution skills. With UJJI, you'll have the tools and techniques to build solid relationships and succeed personally and professionally. So why wait? Sign up for UJJI today and take your interpersonal skills to the next level!

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